Terms and Conditions

At Jamuna, we understand the importance of your privacy and are committed to ensuring you know how your information is used. This policy outlines what information Jamuna, referred to as the Company, may collect from you, including details about your use of the website, how such information is collected, processed, disclosed, and maintained.

Please carefully read and understand this policy. If you disagree with our practices regarding User Information, you have the option not to use the website. By accepting the Privacy Policy and the Terms of Use, you explicitly consent to the Company's use and disclosure of your personal information as described in this Privacy Policy. Terms not defined here have the same meanings as in the Terms of Use.

Applicability of the policy:

This policy covers all information the Company collects on the website, including data you enter, emails exchanged with the Company, and submitted information. It does not apply to information collected by third parties using the website or through links, advertisements, or offers. The Company is not responsible for information exchanged with third parties.

Nature of Information Collected:

While using the website, the Company may collect various information, including User Information (such as credit card details and phone numbers), usage patterns, search history, visited links, and email correspondence. This information may be collected directly or through tracking your website usage, which may include IP addresses, device details, browser information, location, and data collected through cookies and tracking technologies.

The Company is not responsible for third parties and their information collection, tracking technologies, or how they use such data. You may also provide information that can be published or shared with other users, which is done at your own risk.

Use of Your Information:

Information collected on the website is used to facilitate project procurement, advertising, or bidding for information technology-related services. User Information is available to other registered users but is not shared with third parties without your consent. Personally identifiable information is protected, and your personal data is not sold or rented for marketing purposes without your explicit consent. The Company may also use the information for analytics, contacting you, and delivering relevant content or advertisements.

Disclosure of Your Information:

The Company may share your User Information with subscribers, registered users, third parties, advertisers, subsidiaries, affiliates, or service providers for website operations. It will comply with requests from law enforcement or regulatory authorities according to applicable laws. By providing information on the website, you consent to sharing it with authorities exercising jurisdiction over the Company.

Data Security:

The information you provide is kept securely on the Company's servers with firewalls. You are responsible for your data security and should use the website responsibly. While the Company makes efforts to secure your information, it does not guarantee absolute security against all risks.

Accessing and Updating Your Information:

You can modify your User Information by accessing your user account using your registered username. The Company may save usage information and can allow or deny information changes at its discretion to comply with the law.

Age Restrictions:

The website is for users aged 18 and older. If you are under 18, do not provide User Information. The Company will delete any such information found to belong to individuals under 18 without notice.